Rocky River Trout Unlimited Fly Patterns
Welcome to the RRTU patterns, you will find two drop down windows.
The first is the FLY OF THE MONTH. This is a continuing series of patterns, begun with Tim Wilhelm and Tom Adams in April of 2010 and now produced by Alen Baker and Tom Adams. All of the patterns and the directions are produced for the site. There is a history of each fly, a tying recipe and tying instructions as well.
There are a number of patterns indicated as Southern Appalachian and as the name implies are local to our area. Those pattern names are in RED.
The opening page shows pattern category and links to to the page of patterns available in that category. Select the pattern and it will reveal the full page of that patterns history and tying instructions. The full contents of the Fly of the Month pages are searchable.
The second drop down are the patterns from the RRTU tying classes. There is a recipe for each pattern.
Use the Search box below to find patterns on our site
The buttons below are a downloadable list of patterns and list of reference materials