Streamside Day Trips
A Streamside Day Trip includes:
o A stream or several streams within a close proximity) are selected in advance
o A group lunch will be planned (may be pre-packaged for carry, prepared together streamside or at a nearby restaurant)
o A small fee of $5 per participant is collected to help cover the cost of a prepared lunch
o The buddy system is utlized as much as possible (more experienced matched with less experienced)
o A Coldwater Conservaton activity may excuted in conjunction with the fly fishing (e.g. stream clean-up, bug collecting for TIC, etc.)
o You may bring a friend or friends that are not TU members - travel and fish together or mix into the car pooling and buddy system
o A stream or several streams within a close proximity) are selected in advance
o A group lunch will be planned (may be pre-packaged for carry, prepared together streamside or at a nearby restaurant)
o A small fee of $5 per participant is collected to help cover the cost of a prepared lunch
o The buddy system is utlized as much as possible (more experienced matched with less experienced)
o A Coldwater Conservaton activity may excuted in conjunction with the fly fishing (e.g. stream clean-up, bug collecting for TIC, etc.)
o You may bring a friend or friends that are not TU members - travel and fish together or mix into the car pooling and buddy system
Streamside Photo Gallery
Rocky River Chapter of Trout Unlimited (c) 2014
Rocky River Chapter of Trout Unlimited (c) 2014