A Message from Brian Esque,
President, Rocky River Chapter, Trout Unlimited
Welcome to the Rocky River Chapter of Trout Unlimited (RRTU) in Charlotte, North Carolina.
We are committed to the mission of our national organization to Protect, Restore and Sustain our cold water natural resources. We are passionate about fly fishing and preserving for future generations the joy of standing in a clean, burbling stream to watch a trout take a fly.
Fellowship, education and service are the cornerstones of RRTU. Through our monthly meetings, we offer an ongoing program that covers all aspects of fly fishing: techniques, locations, and cold water conservation. We have a very active fly tying program that offers instruction at all levels. We do several "streamsides", exploring different streams and sharing lunch. Twice a year, we have a 4-day outing in western North Carolina. The Alarka campout is a very popular event, drawing 25-40 folks for fishing, food and fellowship.
RRTU also has a very active Trout in the Classroom program, putting tanks in local schools. The involved young people raise trout from eggs, learning about that remarkable metamorphosis and the importance of cold, clean water. We also volunteer time with Casting Carolinas, a program for cancer survivors, Rivercourse, a coldwater conservation camp for young teens, and with Boy Scouts, helping them to meet merit badge requirements.
If you are a Trout Unlimited member living in the Charlotte area, you are already a member of RRTU. There is no additional fee to join. If not, we would like to see you at one of our monthly meetings. We gather the 3rd Thursday of each month at Covenant Presbyterian church. The board of RRTU welcomes your comments and encourages active participation. We are a diverse group of men and women who enjoy sharing the common bond of fly fishing.
We are committed to the mission of our national organization to Protect, Restore and Sustain our cold water natural resources. We are passionate about fly fishing and preserving for future generations the joy of standing in a clean, burbling stream to watch a trout take a fly.
Fellowship, education and service are the cornerstones of RRTU. Through our monthly meetings, we offer an ongoing program that covers all aspects of fly fishing: techniques, locations, and cold water conservation. We have a very active fly tying program that offers instruction at all levels. We do several "streamsides", exploring different streams and sharing lunch. Twice a year, we have a 4-day outing in western North Carolina. The Alarka campout is a very popular event, drawing 25-40 folks for fishing, food and fellowship.
RRTU also has a very active Trout in the Classroom program, putting tanks in local schools. The involved young people raise trout from eggs, learning about that remarkable metamorphosis and the importance of cold, clean water. We also volunteer time with Casting Carolinas, a program for cancer survivors, Rivercourse, a coldwater conservation camp for young teens, and with Boy Scouts, helping them to meet merit badge requirements.
If you are a Trout Unlimited member living in the Charlotte area, you are already a member of RRTU. There is no additional fee to join. If not, we would like to see you at one of our monthly meetings. We gather the 3rd Thursday of each month at Covenant Presbyterian church. The board of RRTU welcomes your comments and encourages active participation. We are a diverse group of men and women who enjoy sharing the common bond of fly fishing.
The Board of Directors and Officers welcome your comments, suggestions and ideas to make your chapter membership both rewarding and enjoyable. Your involvement in chapter business and activities is encouraged and we hope you will be able to volunteer your talent and a little of your time to help the Chapter continue to be one of the most exciting, hard working and fun chapters in the state. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Paul Duffy,
President, Rocky River Trout Unlimited (RRTU)
Paul Duffy,
President, Rocky River Trout Unlimited (RRTU)